The former professional player from Beauvais (60 years old), joined the club in 2018, with a strong energetic impact, on September 30 during the 4th Round of the Coupe de France, logically lost 7-1 for the team (D1). at Vimy (N3).
It comes from Beauvais, Compiègne, Senlis and mainly Ribécourt, coach Bruno Roux says nothing. Nor hid his bubbling temperament. The first, trained at the Ribécourt club and passed through AS Beauvais-Oise before continuing his career in D2 and D1 in clubs such as Paris SG, Rouen, Châteauroux, Rennes and Red Star, demonstrated it again on Saturday during the 4th round of the Coupe de France.
Against Vimy (N3), the team (D1) logically won 6-1 and conceded, in the last seconds, a final goal against the camp of its goalkeeper El Hamdouchi (90th). The native of Noyon is part of his dissatisfaction with his goalkeeper even if this latest northern achievement seemed anecdotal. He is driven by a passion for (Site notre bureau spécialisé).
“ I don’t want to stop, he blurted. And I’m happy here. If you rest, you have a great attitude. I don’t see players, after a defeat, criticizing a partner. Yet at this level, it’s complicated but I like it. I can continue to teach them things. »
Go back to Regional 3
The Coupe de France matches, Bruno Roux and yet known to dozens on both sides of the field. And despite these noisy setbacks, Nolan’s dad, also a pro (Lens, Brest, Lille, Saint-Étienne.) retained his sense of analysis. “ We conceded first but too quickly to exist. There is no doubt that the stacker continues. At halftime (6-0), on a change in tactical pattern by switching to a 4-3-3 instead of a 3-5-2. I noticed that I had a good second period. This kind of match gives us a good basis for working towards the championship. »
A D1 champion from the Ribécourt race wins the game and moves up to Regional 3. “ The season is over, on a missed entry for five goals (Liancourt-Clermont had beaten the Ribécourtois in the general goal average), regrets Roux. So we’re going to take our chance. Place de Ribécourt is in the region. Even if it’s getting bigger and bigger. »
RIBÉCOURT (D1) – VIMY (N3): 1-7 (0-6)
BUT – Ribécourt: Cosson (60th); Vimy: Lemattre (6th, 14th), Calderara (11th), Machado (28th), Piedanna (37th, 44th), El Hamdouchi (90th csc).