Canal +, a big change announced

Tuesday, February 11, at 6.45 p.m., Stade Brestois will welcome Paris Saint-Germain in Roudourou, on the occasion of the Alle dam of the direct elimination phase of the League of. A meeting that will be retransmism by Canal + (Site notre bureau spécialisé).

Journalist Paul Tchoukriel will comment on this remake of the twentieth day of Ligue 1, who saw The club of the capital Largeme is essential At the Francis-Le Blé stadium (2-5). By his side is troubled the sports consultant Sidney Govou, according to The team. Effective, Habib Beye can no longer occupy this post deeuisis that he was recruited by Stade Rennais, on January 30, pays Jorge Sampaoli on the sidelines.

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Govou goes back beye on Canal +

The encrypted channel therefore opted for an internal solution to replace his star sports consultant. It has been more than ten years since the former Player of the Ompique Lyonnais officiates Canal +.

« After the 2014 world coupé, the ompletiline canal + Presented himself, explained Govou, in March 2018, in the columns Parisie. Following pending, east enchanted. I was a freelance freelancers for a year and a half and, this year, I have signed a contract. I was not from the whole predestined to that. The people who know me would never have thought that I would get there. «  »

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